Archive for October, 2012

PEW proposes plan to improve energy mix, resolve prickly issues

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Inter-fuel substitution can save masses from winter gas load shedding
Country to save $600m, 550m cubic feet of gas per day
No gas load shedding in winter if plan introduced
The Pakistan Economy Watch on Sunday said inter-fuel substitution can culminate the need for gas load shedding during the five months of winter giving relief to masses and industry.
Load shedding is not a solution, cost-effective energy resources for power generation are needed for smooth and long-term economic development, it said.
Our total energy requirement stands at 64.5 million tonnes per annum which eats up lot of foreign exchange due to imbalanced energy mix which leave little funds for public sector development projects, said Abdullah Tariq, SVP, PEW.
Demand and security concerns are growing about oil which provides 35 per cent of global energy consumption therefore policy makers should consider replacing high cost products like petrol, diesel and LPG with cheaper fuels, he said.

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پیغمبر اسلام صرف مسلمانوں نہیں بلکہ تمام انسانوں کیلئے رحمت العالمینۖ ہیں’ڈاکٹرمرتضیٰ مغل

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مسلمانوں کو حج کے موقع پر اسوہ رسولۖ کے بارے آگاہی پھیلانے کا عہد کرنا چاہیے

راولپنڈی: پاکستان اکانومی واچ کے صدر معروف دانشورڈاکٹر مرتضیٰ مغل نے کہا ہے کہ گستاخانہ فلم کے خلاف پرامن احتجاج بھی ضروری ہے لیکن اس کے ساتھ ساتھ یہ بھی ضروری ہے کہ ہم غیر مسلموں کو اسوہ رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے بارے میں آگاہ کریں۔ فریضہ حج کی ادائیگی کیلئے روانہ ہونے سے قبل سید مخدوم عباس ہمدانی پیرآف بنگالی شریف’پیر خالد سلطان ممبر اسلامی نظریاتی کونسل اور دیگر احباب سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے ڈاکٹر مرتضیٰ مغل نے کہا کہ نبی آخر الزمان حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے ساتھ محبت کی تجدید کے لئے حج بہترین موقع ہے اور اس موقع پر تمام حجاج اکرام کو عہد کرنا چاہیے کہ وہ اپنے اپنے علاقوں میں جا کر غیر مسلم حلقوں میں رسالت مآب صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی سیرت پاک سے آگاہ کریں گے اور انہیں بتائیں گے کہ پیغمبر اسلام صرف مسلمانوں نہیں بلکہ تمام انسانوں کے لئے رحمت العالمین ۖ ہیں۔ڈاکٹر مغل نے کہا کہ اگر غیر مسلموں کو اسلام اور قرآن کی حقیقی تعلیمات سے احسن انداز میں روشناس کرا دیا جائے تو پھر کوئی بدبخت کو رسول ۖ کی شان میں کسی طرح گستاخی کی جرات نہ کر پائے گا۔

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Govt’s coal power generation plan lauded

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Pakistan’s progress, prosperity tied to Thar coal
Thar coal to ensure reduction of power tariff, create jobs
The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Sunday lauded the landmark policy decision of the federal government to use Thar coal for coal-based power generation and all conversions of existing as well as construction of new power projects will be designed on Thar Coal specifications.
The strategic decision is appropriate as prices of imported oil will never come down to reasonable level, gas supply from Iran and Turkmenistan remains uncertain while reserves of native natural gas are depleting, it said.
Pakistan’s energy mix is far from balanced; the power sector is heavily dependent on costly fuel which is among the reasons behind circular debt and high electricity tariff, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President PEW.
The government should adopt advanced coal conversion technology to transform inefficient gas-based and dual-fuel fired power plants to coal-fired power plants, he said.

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Tax amnesty scheme criticised

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Amnesty to evaders unjustified, not a permanent solution
The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Friday said tax amnesty scheme announced recently proves failure of the government to collect targeted taxes and broaden tax net.
It also indicates that government has no intention to bring favourites sectors including agriculture in the tax net, it said.
Move to purify ill-gotten money amounts to encouraging corrupt elements will billions of illicit wealth which is detrimental for the society, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President PEW.
Apparently, the amnesty for tax evaders is announced to fill the budgetary gap but the funds raised through this scheme will be silently used to buy political loyalties, he said.
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Appointment of Energy Managers is all departments suggested

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High-oil-price era demand unconventional solutions
CNG winter ban to cost four lakh jobs, add Rs 15bl to oil import bill
The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Sunday said appointment of qualified Energy Managers can help resolve persistent energy crisis in Pakistan.
All developed nations have qualified energy managers who ensure cost saving, best utilization of resources and maximum benefit for the country.
The high-oil-price era has forced many private companies in the developed world to appoint energy managers to save costs and boost profits, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President PEW while speaking at a discussion on energy crisis.
However, in our country this critical job is left to politicians and babucracy lacking knowledge, resolve and education to keep thing smooth, he added.

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