About Us

Introduction: Pakistan Economy Watch

Pakistan Economy Watch is an independent forum on the world economy with a special focus on Pakistan.
PEW is run by a team of experts devoted to Pakistan and its economy. PEW aims to provide up-to-date and reliable data, analysis and commentary on the economy. Information on the economy is both difficult to obtain and notoriously unreliable. Our aim is to make a modest contribution to improving each, and to encourage debate.
Also, we aim to inform government, policy makers and economic managers about our views on important economical issues. Our special coverage includes Insurance, Finance and Mortgage Industry and any thing that has a positive or negative impact on masses.
We independently comment on economic situation and the expected out come of decisions of top Government officials. We strive to help Pakistan make an enabling environment through awareness in masses.
Our mission is to help make Pakistan more developed and prosperous.

Author: host